Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Top 3 Reasons Colleges Value Omnibus Trained Students

One of the defining characteristics of classical Christian education is the intentional integration of subjects. God has created and rules over a very complex and connected world and we believe that grasping the beauty of the interdependence of subjects like Bible, history, literature, art, music, and composition should be a priority for future-shaping and disciple-making Christian education. Unlike many other schools, good classical Christian schools use Omnibus, a tested and proven humanities curriculum that helps students discover, appreciate, and apply the divinely created relationships that are the foundation of a Biblical worldview.

It appears colleges and universities are taking note of the kind of quality students that Omnibus curriculum is producing. Learn more in this recent Veritas Press article...

The Top 3 Reasons Colleges Value Omnibus Trained Students

Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Great Books and Standardized Testing

Learn more about how reading the great books, an integral part of a classical Christian education prepares students for success on standardized tests... CCE and Standardized Testing